Third Bionic Congress
On the 8th May 2017, Dr. Arndt Pechstein will be kicking off the third Bionic-Congress at the TECHNOMUSEUM in Mannheim with an open lecture. The second day is about “Bionics in all its manifestations”. To get a fuller understanding of the topic, the event will encourage an interactive approach.
Bionics is has become a relatively well-known field, and a wide selection of research publications now handle the topic of biologically-inspired innovation. To truly understand bionics, however, you need an immersive approach. This means discussing with experts and developers of bionic solutions in order to learn, first hand, why and how they successfully introduced their products into the market, and how they overcame the challenges they faced.
Following this, you’ll get the opportunity to see how we can learn from nature, taking the example of bats, or the swarm intelligence of bees. Getting into the bio-inspired mode by both biology-push and technology-pull examples gives the audience a comprehensive understanding of the method.
In the afternoon, there will be the chance to hear directly from designers and inventors, who will present their objects and bring them to life. Accompanied by the designer’s explanations, you’ll be able to handle products and see which natural models they copied. You will also have a chance to ask them questions directly, and find out how they moved from concept to creation. Finally you’ll be able to dig deeper and discuss how you can implement their experiences and expertise in your own field of work.
The event is aimed primarily at young people, who take a personal interest in the concept of bionics and who would like to introduce new ways of designing sustainable nature-inspired products into their company.
We also extend the invitation to people working in R&D departments, as well as professors and students in the fields of mechanical engineering, product engineering, precision engineering, automation engineering, and information technology (including robotics, medical technology and process engineering).